Key dates for submission
Deadline for abstract submission: 10 Sep 2018 (extended)
Notification of abstract acceptance: 10 Oct 2018 (extended)
Deadline for paper submission: 15 Nov 2018
Notification of paper acceptance: 15 Jan 2019
Deadline for revised paper submission: 15 Feb 2019
Submission of copyright transfer agreement: 15 Feb 2019
Submission information
All the submissions and reviews are handled via: START Conference Manager (please login or register)
When submitting your abstract, a preferred topic area should be selected. The scientific committee may change this selection to ensure the technical coherence of the sessions. On notification of acceptance, authors will be invited to submit a manuscript for the publication of a full paper (6 pages). These papers will be fully refereed, and the final decision will be taken on the basis of the full paper.
Submissions will be reviewed and selected by the scientific committee taking into account the following criteria:
1. Relevance and interest of the problem and its solution for the CAPE community.
2. Innovation and improvement over the current state of the art: What are major new accomplishments?
3. Significance of findings: What is the potential impact of the results to the CAPE community?
Author guideline for abstracts
Abstracts must include: title, list of authors, their affiliations, and an abstract body. The length of the abstract is limited to 3,000 characters, including spaces, numbers and punctuation. It is suggested to include the following information in the abstract:
1. Motivation / Purpose / Background: information about objectives/goals.
2. Study Design / Methods: information about the key methods utilized in the study
3. Major Results / Findings: include quantitative references (key performance indicators, etc.)
4. Conclusion: Include implications of findings, limitations of your study, and recommendations
5. References (add if necessary)
6. Acknowledgements (add if required by your funding institution)
Author guideline for manuscripts
Manuscripts of exactly 6-pages must be prepared according to the template and instructions provided (link). The manuscripts are submitted using the START Conference Manager, as a Word document (.doc or .docx file) or LaTeX file (complete .zip package) and not as a PDF file only.
Please send also the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) associated to each manuscript that has been accepted, and the Permissions Request Form (PRF) if you used any third-party materials. These documents (CTA & PRF) must be uploaded – as (scanned) PDF files – together with the revised paper. Please use the following naming convention: CTA – paper number, and PRF – paper number, respectively.
ESCAPE-29 Templates: Manuscript Template (Word & LaTeX), Copyright Transfer & Permission forms (.zip)
Legal notice
When submitting an abstract / paper to ESCAPE-29, you are accepting that:
1. The accuracy of the submitted information/results is the responsibility of the authors. Authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission.
2. The authors have not presented these results to another scientific meeting and/or published the same information in a scientific journal, nor will the information be published elsewhere. If the paper is finally accepted, the transfer of the publishing rights will be required. Thus, authors must be the copyright holder, or have permission to publish the content (text, figures, etc.) in the conference proceedings.
Publication policy
Work presented at the conference will be published (following usual ESCAPE policies) in a new volume of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering book series from Elsevier. All the papers will have a 6 pages limit per contribution. All the accepted papers (plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral presentations, and poster presentations) will be published in the symposium’s proceedings by Elsevier. All the papers will be made available to participants as electronic media (PDF document).
Extended papers will be published in a special issue of e.g. Computers and Chemical Engineering, and possibly in other top journals (to be discussed with the respective editors).
Editors of the proceedings: Anton A. Kiss, Edwin Zondervan, Richard Lakerveld, Leyla Özkan