– The final program booklet of the ESCAPE-29 conference is now available for download (PDF file).  
– Besides the scientific program, you are also invited to attend a social event (concert) at Saint Catherine church.
– Winner of Best Paper Award: Paper 429 – Optimal operation and control of heat to power cycles: A new perspective using a systematic plantwide control approach, by Cristina Zotica, Sigurd Skogestad, Lars O. Nord and Jenö Kovacs.
– Winner of Best Poster Award: Paper 437 – Novel strategies for predictive particle monitoring and control using advanced image analysis, by Rasmus Fjordbak Nielsen, Nasrin Arjomand Kermani, Louise la Cour Freiesleben, Krist V. Gernaey and Seyed Soheil Mansouri
– Each award consists of a certificate, 400 EUR (from MDPI Processes) and a set of 3 books (from De Gruyter).

Oral presentations: Oral presentations will be given in multiple sessions. In order to maximize the number of presentations each participant could visit, we plan max. 5 sessions taking place in parallel. Each speaker will have a total of 20 min to present his/her work. There will be about 100-120 oral presentations in total. The presentation (PowerPoint format) should be provided to the local organizers at least 30 minutes before the session starts.

Poster presentations: About 60% of all contributions will be posters (size A0, portrait format), to be presented within the poster sessions (up to 1.5 hours each). The posters should be put on the stands in the morning and removed by the end of the day. We aim to organize an evaluation of the best posters and the announcement of the awards will be given at the closing ceremony. The selection will be made by the International Scientific Committee.

Special sessions and workshops: The program also includes special sessions (for example on Quality-by-Design and Process Intensification) and additional workshops, such as: PATH initiative in teaching modelling (by Process Systems Enterprise) and Artificial Intelligence: A digital cage or a blessing? (by ISPT).

Plenary lectures: The plenary lectures would be the first lectures of the day. During each day of the symposium, 1-2 plenary lectures would be given, with a total of 5 plenary lectures planned, covering the main symposium themes. Authors giving plenary lectures would have a total of 45 min for each presentation and discussion. The plenary speakers will be from academia as well as industrial organizations, knowledge and research institutions. Confirmed plenary speakers and presentations include:

Dr. Joseph Powell (Chief Scientist at Shell, USA)
Addressing energy and sustainability challenges in the digital age
Global energy systems are undergoing unprecedented rates of change to address increase in population and energy demand, climate and health risks from gas emissions, new opportunities driven by a reduction in cost for solar and wind renewable energy as well as for natural gas (liquids) and oil derived from unconventional (shale) resources, and the need for recycle or reuse of plastics and other chemical product supply chains.  Systems modeling is an essential tool for selecting among scenario-specific pathway options, and process systems engineering across multiple scales will increasingly provide a key role in research, development and scale-up to fast track needed deployments. This presentation gives an overview of grand challenges in energy and chemicals, and the importance of PSE and modeling in addressing rapid technological change.

Prof. Zoltan Nagy (Purdue University, USA)
Quality-by-control approaches for process intensification in advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing
This lecture intends to provide motivating examples of the next stage of innovation in pharmaceutical manufacturing, illustrating the potential benefits of the new quality-by-control (QbC) framework in improving product quality and process efficiency while reducing costs and time-to-market. The role of advanced feedback control concepts in improving the performance of batch processes, as well as enabling technologies in the paradigm shift from batch to continuous manufacturing will be corroborated. Examples how advanced control can be used for process intensification and the improved production of pharmaceutical particulates will be provided, with application to both continuous drug substance and drug product manufacturing.

Prof. Megan Jobson (The University of Manchester, UK)
Development, design and optimisation of integrated separation processes using CAPE tools
CAPE software is increasingly enabling design, retrofit and optimisation of integrated chemical processes. Machine learning and optimisation are also contributing to development of industrially-applicable methods and tools to bring energy savings, yield improvements and reduced CO2 emissions. This talk will explore and illustrate how CAPE tools are being used for systematic design of integrated separation processes, for development of novel processes applying membranes, adsorbents and ionic liquids, and for process intensification.

Prof. Sandro Macchietto (Imperial College London, UK)
Engineering success: What does it take to get PSE technologies used?
This presentation provides a personal overview of what it takes to go from novel research to final use of a technology, and addresses how to tweak the odds towards engineering success by design. Based on 30-year experience of tech-transfer activities, the lecture briefly touches on things found working and not, essential and unnecessary (or counter-productive), drawing on the experience of launching and managing two companies in the PSE area, various interdisciplinary consortia and two applied research centres.

Prof. Paulien Herder (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
The comprehensive systems challenge for decarbonizing the industry
Electrification is a key enabler towards reducing CO2 emission. However, the availability of renewable electrical energy does not remove the demand for fuels, chemicals and other materials. In addition, the variability of nature calls for electricity storage to safeguard continuous electricity supply. Electro-synthesis is a promising approach to electrify the manufacturing of fuels, chemicals and materials and to contribute to energy storage. Given the Dutch strategic position in the international chemical, renewable energy and transport sectors, this talk will zoom in on the systems and modeling challenges in decarbonizing our industry, and how these challenges can only be tackled in a multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral approach.

Keynote lectures: Keynote papers would be the starting presentations of the parallel sessions. The keynote speakers will have a total of 30 min to present their work. Again, the aim is to have about half of the speakers from academia and the rest from industrial, knowledge and research organizations. There would be about 20 keynote presentations. Confirmed keynote speakers and presentations include:

Dr. Adrie Huesman (Shell, The Netherlands)
Process System Engineering and control aspects of solar fuel plants

Dr. Norbert Asprion (BASF SE, Germany)
From single process simulation and optimization to decision making based on a multitude of solutions

Dr. Pieter Schmal (Process Systems Enterprise, USA)
Mathematical process modelling past, present and future – a personal perspective

Dr. Jan Schuurmans (DotX Control Solutions B.V., The Netherlands)
Review of cascade and override control methods for process control

Dr. Carlos Rugerio (Corbion, The Netherlands)
Integration of process design with sustainability assessment

Prof. Egbert-Jan Sol (TNO Industry | Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Digital Twinning – a transformation in our industry: Its acceleration and the consequences

Dr. Levente Simon (Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland)
Systematic steady-state and end-point detection using econometrics

Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski (ABB Corporate Research, Germany)
An explicit online resource-task network scheduling formulation to avoid scheduling nervousness

Dr. Alireza Ehsani (Bayer AG, Germany)
Towards model-based optimization for Quality by Design in biotherapeutics production

Ir. Jan van Schijndel (VSSC | formerly at Shell, The Netherlands)
Energy system modelling in support of the energy transition

Prof. Ignacio Grossmann (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
New MINLP formulations for flexibility analysis for measured and unmeasured uncertain parameters

Prof. Stratos Pistikopoulos (Texas A&M Energy Institute, US)
Towards a systematic framework for the synthesis of operable process intensification systems – Application to reactive distillation systems

Prof. Claire Adjiman (Imperial College London, UK)
A comparison of the performance of multi-objective optimization methodologies for solvent design

Prof. Mario Eden (Auburn University, US)
Component based development of computer-aided tools for different applications

Prof. Fengqi You (Cornell University, US)
Optimizing return on investment in biomass conversion networks under uncertainty using data-driven adaptive robust optimization

Prof. Ana Paula Barbosa-Povoa (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Design and planning of agri-food supply chains

Prof. Alexander Mitsos (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Economic nonlinear Model Predictive Control of multi-product air separation processes

Prof. Sebastian Engell (Technical University of Dortmund, Germany)
Iterative medium-term production scheduling of an industrial formulation plant

Prof. Antonis Kokossis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Predictive LCA – A systems approach to integrate LCA decisions ahead of design

Prof. Harvey Arellano-Garcia (University of Surrey, UK)
Optimisation and control of a distributed energy resource network using Internet of Things technologies

Prof. Anton Kiss (The University of Manchester, UK | University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Process Systems Engineering from an industrial and academic perspective

Dr. Mirko Skiborowski (Technical University of Dortmund, Germany)
Automatic synthesis of distillation processes for azeotropic multi-component systems

Dr. Athanasios Papadopoulos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece)
A framework for the integration of holistic sustainability assessment in computer-aided molecular design

Dr. Richard Lakerveld (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Automated open-loop control of directed self-assembly with multiple electrokinetic actuators in microfluidic devices